Ormai i miei giretti per Rockford si traducono nell' andare a caccia di farmers market, mercatini tipici dove si trovano frutta verdura, fiori, marmellate, miele. Bisogna approfittare di quest' ultimo periodo.
Cosi' sabato mattina nonostante il freddo pungente ho trascinato fuori casa Paolo e insieme alla digitale siamo stati al farmer market sulla N Main angolo Auburn ( il sabato dalle 8 a mezzogiorno).
English translation
The pumpkins are the queens of this period...the Fall and certainly they''ll continue to keep us company for another month. I like to see around ( my house is full) shapes and colors make the atmosphere cheerfull.
Now my jurney in Rockford means only one thing the hunt of farmers market, typical markets where you can find fruit, vegetables, flowers, jams, honey. Must take this last period before the end of October.Saturday morning despite the bitter cold outside the home Paolo and I dragged along with the digital camera we were at the farmer market on the corner of N Main Auburn.
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